I’m Jerry Angelo.
Speaker. Author. Coach.

I’m Rev. Jerry Angelo from Southwest Missouri. I’m the Founder, President, and CEO of Vanguard Marriage and Family Advocates that serves the ministry of Marriage Minute and The Prayer Initiative.  Find out more about me: HERE

Prayer is Foundational

Prayer moves the hearts of man and God.

Prayer is the initial and foundational building block on which we build a relationship with our heavenly Father.  I believe our prayer life has a direct and immediate impact on the quality of the relationships that we have with our loved ones.  Prayer with God will have a direct effect on the progression of our emotional intelligence aptitude.  Prayer is also an essential process to discovering our identity, vision, and purpose ~ Jerry Angelo

What I'm Working On

Jerry Angelo Vanguard Marriage and Family Advocates

It is All About Relationships

We were made for relationship

In order to maximize our full potential and fulfil our God-given vision, identity, and purpose we must have an awareness that is learned through emotionally intelligent skills.  That ability was meant to be used to create and maintain all the relationships that we find ourselves in.  ~ Jerry Angelo

Invite me to speak.

I’d love to speak or pray at your event. Here are some popular topics.

Jerry Angelo Kate Angelo

Prayer & Speaking

Leading prayer and speaking at events on topics such as leadership, vision, purpose, prayer, and other issues.

Jerry Angelo

Public Service

Advocating and educating the public on social issues related to our culture from a biblical perspective.

Jerry Angelo Kate Angelo

Marriage & Family

Strengthening and encouraging marriage and families with absolute truth within the framework of an emotional intelligence skillset.

Jerry Angelo Forsaken

Blended Families

Helping you navigate the challenging waters of blended families with biblical tools and practical examples.

“As someone who isn't religious or involved with church, I can say that after reading this testimony and hearing the passion with which the authors wrote the story, I am moved to reconsider my stance on faith."
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